Dear Othernews subscriber,
As you may know, we are in the process of making OtherNews an institution, in order to make it an open and accountable instrument of participation and sharing. The formula we have chosen is to create an international non profit association, where all members have an equal share and an equal vote.
This year is the 10th anniversary of Othernews, which was a personal initiative of mine, aiming to give more awareness on the global problems of our times. Media were not focusing on those issues, and the neoliberal globalization’s strong mythology looked at the world basically through macroeconomics and markets primes. The most largely ignored topics were the growing social injustice, climate deterioration, gender issues, the decline in education, health and research and other long terms societies’ equalizers, as human rights and real democracy’s issues.
Othernews, fortunately not alone, has been giving a reading of the global events, based on correct and real datas to provide the reader an open window on our times. In those years it has grown from a small circle of academicians, international civil servants, global society’s activists, to a much larger and variegated constituency, that now reaches over 10.000 direct users. It is time to make it a public and participatory instrument, which will survive individuals.
I am inviting you, on behalf of the members, to join the Association, and become a member of it besides being a subscriber.
It is important to note that in doing so you will not have any financial benefit. Shares do not give, by regulation, any profit.
But by joining the Association, you’ll be part of a concrete attempt to break the growing cycle of the post truth manipulation and help other people to be able to understand more, and be more informed and efficient citizens.
After a king period of greed, we are now in a period of fear. Become part of an effort to help to get out from the somnambulism and apathy of our times.
Roberto Savio
Any reader can become a member simply by making a minimum donation of 50 euros and agreeing with the OtherNews Charter of Principles. Please, send your request to
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Othernews Organizzazione non lucrativa di utilità sociale
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