The use of Internet by the monopolist, like Facebook, Google, Twiter is becoming a threat to democracy and societies.
I am giving two documents:
One, some links from Prof, Rushkoff, to understand the danger which we face;and then a conference by the comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, that you may remember as Borat…
I strongly advise to read and see both!
Best regards, Roberto Savio, Publisher of OtherNews
Here’s a link to my brief explanation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT8HI_Tru_s&t=272s
but there are some more complete critiques, such as, https://thespinoff.co.nz/media/26-09-2020/review-the-problem-with-the-social-dilemma/ or https://slate.com/technology/2020/09/social-dilemma-netflix-technology.html. or https://www.oxfordinsights.com/insights/2020/9/21/the-social-dilemma-a-failed-attempt-to-land-a-punch-on-big-techo
Still, for people who have been living completely oblivious to the way social media works, it’s probably a good beginning for them.
Social media could be a good platform, though, particularly as a place to put email threads like this one. For me, email is a way I communicate with actual people I know. Now you guys – who have no idea who I am – are getting my vitriol in your inboxes on a holiday weekend.